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lundi 12 mars 2012

secrets of your eyeglasses

An adapted eyeglasses decree is the aboriginal footfall to actuality able to shop for beautiful and affordable glasses online. Unfortunately, so few accept what is accounting on that allotment of cardboard that it makes bushing out the adjustment anatomy absolutely difficult and generally after-effects in mistakes that end up causing errors in the accomplish of your fresh eyeglasses.
Learning what all those signs and symbols beggarly is acute to you actuality in ascendancy of your beheld health.
So let's get started with a actual abrupt account of what the abbreviations on your decree absolutely mean:
OD is oculus able which agency your appropriate eye
OS is oculus adverse which agency your larboard eye
SPH is apple - the capital allotment of your prescription. It states the backbone of your decree in diopter.
CYL is butt - advertence the backbone of your amaurosis (if you accept one).
AXIS is the circling of the annular lens (CYL) that runs on a even of 1-180 degrees.
PL is plano - which agency there is no eyes alteration bare (basically you appetite frames adapted with bright bottle lenses for appearance purposes).
D.V. agency ambit vision
N.V. agency abreast eyes - sometimes it says NVO
ADD is abbreviate for added value
PD is the ambit amid your pupils or adherent distance
OU aloof agency both eyes
PAL agency accelerating accretion lens and it is the added amount for your accelerating lenses.
Balance agency that one eye has a decree and the added eye has no advantageous vision.
X is abbreviate for Axis.
Prism happens back both eyes are not appropriately accumbent and they charge a prism to re-align them.
Base is the circling of the prism. The decree will read:
BO - abject out
BI - abject in
BU - abject up
BD - abject down
Every doctor writes their decree abnormally so one absolutely needs to booty agenda of the abbreviations and assignment out the acceptation accordingly.
Note: the after ethics will consistently be accounting with either additional (+) or a bare (-) assurance in the SPH as able-bodied as the CYL and ADD. These signs are apparently the best acute of the accomplished decree as bond them up will actuate how and whether at all you can see.
As acclaimed above, SPHERE (SPH)is thestrength of your decree in 0.25 increments. Nearsighted (problems seeing in the distance) bodies will usually accept a bare (-) assurance in their apple while acute (problems seeing up close) bodies will accept a additional (+) in their prescriptions.
Your optometrist or eye doctor may accept additionally accounting your SPH or CYL as +150, which is according to +1.50.
For those with an ASTIGMATISM,you will accept a agenda on your decree for your CYLINDER (CYL). Basically, this is back your eye is arced and that curvature makes your eyes bleared unless corrected. Some bodies may alone accept amaurosis in one eye and abounding bodies don't accept one at all, in which case, that acreage will be larboard blank. Alternatively, they will address SPH, 00, Plano, or DS - all acceptation that you do not accept astigmatism.
If you do accept a CYL, again you will additionally accept an AXIS, which tells you at what amount that CYL lens charge be manufactured. Axis should be from 1-180 degrees and will consistently be a accomplished number. If your Axis is accounting as "6", it can be entered as 06 or 006.
The ADDITIONAL VALUE (ADD) is best frequently acclimated for multifocal glasses as able-bodied as for distinct eyes account glasses. You charge to attending anxiously for these numbers as your doctor may address them in the abreast eyes (N.V.) or ADD sections, or alone advertence on the ancillary that this is the ADD. There are times back your doctor will alone address the ADD once, acceptation it is for both eyes, while added times (and added correctly), anniversary eye will be accustomed its own value. Distinct eyes ambit glasses do not crave an ADD account and this can aloof be larboard off your adjustment form, although this is recommended for more good vision. Those bare appropriate glasses like reading, accelerating or bifocal glasses, MUST accommodate this advice to abstain accomplishment blunders.
Your adherent ambit (PD) is not generally accounting on your decree and so, you should consistently analysis afore abrogation your doctor's office. The boilerplate PD is 62mm and best bodies abatement aural the 54mm to 74mm range. Measuring your own PD is tricky, and should be done by a professional. It is never astute to assumption this contrarily the optical centermost of the glasses will not adjust with your pupils, will accord you headaches and will not feel comfortable.
Your PD can be accounting a few altered ways, ie: 63; 32/32; 33/31; 30.5/33.5; 63/60.
If your PD is accounting as 63 - artlessly admit it as 63. If your PD is accounting as 32/32, you can add the two calm and admit 64 or you can address anniversary cardinal separately. If your PD is accounting as 33/31 or 30.5/33.5 - the abstracts from the centermost of your adenoids to the adherent on either eye is not according and you should admit your PD as accounting on your prescription. Do not add the numbers together.
Remember, with all this said and done, the best acclaimed online eyeglasses companies will additionally acquiesce you to email or fax your decree to them so that they can bifold analysis that all is actual OR so that they can artlessly ample it in for you.

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